Complementary CyberSecurity Penetration Test

Clients FirstĀ  is a Value-Added Reseller (VAR) that has been deploying and protecting ERP solutions for over 20 years. We have a proven approach to helping companies select and implement cost-effective ERP solutions.

We care about your company’s safety and security are offering a COMPLIMENTARY Cybersecurity Threat Management Test for up to 5 email accounts that will determine where your vulnerabilities are in your current digital environment.

This test is a real-life lockdown of how hackers could get onto your business network, what they could steal or lockdown, and is an easy checkup on user behavior.

Complete the form below with each email account you want security tested. Clients First, will be reaching out within the next 5-7 business days to schedule a review of the report generated from your test that will highlight ALL of the vulnerabilities found within your organization.